[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Moreouer, in this parlement it was granted, that the king should haue of euerie sacke of wooll fortie shillings, of the which ten shillings should be applied presentlie to the kings vses, and thirtie shillings resi|due of the fourtie shillings should remaine in the hands of the treasurors, towards the bearing forth of the charges of wars when any chanced. ¶ Also there was a subsidie granted of six pence in the pound, foure pence to the vse last mentioned, and two pence to be imploied at the kings pleasure. In the same parlement, Iohn duke of Lancaster was created duke of Aquitaine,The duke of Lancaster made duke of Aquitaine. receiuing at the kings hand the rod and cap, as inuestures of that dignitie. Also the duke of Yorke his sonne and heire was created earle of Rutland.Great tem|pest. In the fift of March a sore and terrible wind rose, with the violence whereof, much hurt was doone, houses ouerthrowne, cattell destroied, and trees ouerturned. After this insued great mortalitie by pestilence,Great plague. so that much youth died euerie where, in ci|ties and townes, in passing great numbers. Here|with followed a great dearth of corne, so that a bushell of wheat in some places was sold at thirtéene pence,Great dearth. which was thought to be at a great price.

Ab. Fl. out of Henrie Knigh|ton canon of Leicester abbeie.

A roiall hun|ting.

¶ About the feast of S. Peter ad Vincula, Iohn duke of Lan|caster caused a great méeting of the nobles and péeres of the realme to hunt at Leicester in the for|rest and all the parkes there to him apperteining. On the saturdaie the king and quéene were present, the archbishop of Yorke, the duke of Yorke, Thomas Woodstoke duke of Glocester, the earle of Arundell Iohn of Holland, the earle of Huntington, with o|ther bishops, lords and ladies a great manie, and on thursdaie next following the king departing from thence towards Notingham soiourned with the lord of Beaumont besides Loughborrow.