[1] [2] [3] At the same time the lord Iohn de Hastings earle of Penbroke, as he was practising to learne to iust, through mishap was striken about the priuie parts,The earle of Penbroke as he was lear|ning to iust is wounded to death. by a knight called sir Iohn S. Iohn, that ran against him, so as his inner parts being perished, death pre|sentlie followed. The losse of this earle was greatlie bemoned by men of all degrees, for he was liberall, gentle, humble, and courteous to each one, aboue all the other yoong lords in the land of his time. Of this earles ancestors this is reported for a thing strange and maruelous, that from the daies of Aimer de Ua|lence earle of Penbroke, that was one amongst o|ther that sat in iudgement of Thomas earle of Lan|caster, there was not anie earle of Penbroke succée|ding the same Aimer de Ualence, vnto the daies of this yoong earle by misfortune thus slaine, that euer saw his father, nor yet anie of their fathers might reioise in the sight of anie of their sonnes, being still called hence, before the time came for them so to doo.