[1] [2] [3] [4] Anno Reg. 13. Wickleuists increase.In this season, the followers of Wickliffes doc|trine maruellouslie increased, speciallie in the dio|cesse of Sarum, where they had manie that tooke vp|on them as ministers, both to preach the word, and to dispense the sacraments. This they did in secret: but they were discouered by one that had beene of their fellowship, who declared to the bishop of Salisburie at his man or of Sonning, all the whole circumstan|ces thereof, as he knew. There were of them that preached in those daies earnestlie against pilgrima|ges, calling such images as the people had in most veneration, as that at Walsingham, and the rood of the north doore at Paules in London, rotten stocks, and worme eaten blocks, through which the vnskil|full people being mocked and deceiued, were com|pelled most manifestlie to commit idolatrie. The bi|shops (saith Thomas Walsingham) hearing, behol|ding, and knowing these things with much more, to be true, did little or nothing to redresse the same, saue onlie the bishop of Norwich who stirred coles, swea|ring and staring, that if anie of that sect presumed to preach anie peruerse doctrine within his diocesse, he would cause them either to hop headlesse, or to frie a fagot for it: he was therefore not a little praised and extolled by the moonks and other religious men (as should appeare) for that his zeale.