[1] This yeare the king by counsell of some that were about him, called the nobles and great men of the realme togither, and as they were set in the councell chamber staieng till he came: at length he entring into the same chamber, and taking his place to sit a|mong them, demanded of them,The kings question to his lords and others in the councel cham|ber. of what age he was now? Whereto answer was made, that he was full twentie years old. Then (said he) I am of years suffi|cient to gouerne mine owne house and familie, and also my kingdome: for it séemeth aginst reason that the state of the meanest person within my kingdome should be better than mine. Euerie heire that is once come to the age of twentie years, is permitted, if his father be not liuing, to order his businesse himselfe: then that thing which is permitted to euerie other person of meane degrée by law, why is the same de|nied vnto me? These words vttered he with the cou|rage of a prince, not without the instigation and set|ting on of such as were about him, whose drift was by discountenancing others to procure preferment to themselues, abusing the kings tender years and gréene wit, with ill counsell for their aduantage: where as it had béene more méete to haue giuen him those precepts which Claudianus hath in his tract of the institution of a prince; and among others this:
Non tibi quid liceat, Claudian. sed quid fecisse decebitOccurrat, mentém domet respectus honesti.