[1] [2] [3] [4] Also in this twelfth yeare, were commissioners ap|pointed to méet at Balingham,Commissio|ners sent to treat a truce betweene England, France, and Scotland. betwixt Calis and Bullongne, to treat a truce to be had betwixt the realmes of England, France and Scotland. Walter Skirlow bishop of Durham, that had béene latelie before remoued from Bath vnto Durham, from whence Iohn Fordham had béene translated vnto Elie, was sent as head commissioner for the king of England, and with him were ioined sir Ihon Clan|bow, and sir Nicholas Dagworsh, knights, and Ri|chard Rowhale clearke, Froissard. a doctor of law. By Frois|sard it appeareth that the earle of Salisburie was one, & sir Thomas Beauchampe lord deputie of Calis ap|pointed likewise as an assistant with them. The bi|shop of Baieux, the lord Ualeran earle of S. Poule, sir Guillam de Melin, sir Nicholas Bracque, and sir Iohn le Mercier came thither for the French king. And for the king of Scots there appeared the bishop of Aberdeine, sir Iames and sir Dauid Lindsey, and sir Walter Sankler, knights. After long treatie, and much a doo, at length a truce was concluded to begin at Midsummer next, and to last thrée years after.