[1] [2] [3] [4] But after that (contrarie to expectation) the duke of Britaine was come to an agréement with the French king, Anno Reg. 12. the earle of Arundell drew with his nauie alongst the coasts of Poictou, and Xaintonge, till at length he arriued in the hauen that goeth vp to Rochell, and landed with his men at Marrant, foure leagues from Rochell, and began to pilfer, spoile, and fetch booties abroad in the countrie. The Frenchmen within Rochell issued foorth to skirmish with the Eng|lishmen, but they were easilie put to flight, and folow|ed euen to the bariers of the gates of Rochell. ¶ Pe|rot le Bernois a capteine of Gascoigne, that made warre for the king of England in Limosin, and lay in the fortresse of Galuset, came foorth the same time, and made a roade into Berrie with foure hundred spears. The earle of Arundell,The earle of Arundell re|turneth out of France. after he had laine at Marrant fiftéene daies, returned to his ships, and fi|nallie came backe into England, and Perot le Ber|nois likewise returned to his fortresse. ¶About the same time was a truce taken betwixt the parties English and French on the marches of Aquitaine, to begin the first daie of August, and to indure till the first of Maie next insuing.