[1] [2] In the latter end of this eleuenth yeare was the earle of Arundell sent to the sea with a great nauie of ships and men of warre.The earle of Arundell sent to the sea with a great nauie, in aid of the duke of Bri|taine. There went with him in this iournie, of noble men, the earles of Notingham & Deuonshire, sir Thomas Percie, the lord Clifford, the lord Camois, sir William Elmham, sir Thomas Morieux, sir Iohn Daubreticourt, sir William Shel|lie, sir Iohn Warwike or Berwike, sir Stephan de Liberie,Peraduẽture Maluere, it may be Mon|goinerie. sir Robert Sere, sir Peter Montherie, sir Lewes Clanbow, sir Thomas Coque or Cooke, sir William Paulie or Paulet, & diuerse others. There were a thousand men of armes, and three thousand ar|chers. The purpose for which they were sent, was to haue aided the duke of Britaine (if he would haue re|ceiued them) being then eftsoones run into the French kings displeasure, for the imprisoning of the lord Clisson constable of France.