[1] [2] [3] [4] Sir William Elmham that was charged also for withdrawing of the soldiers wages, discharged him|selfe therof, and of all other things that might be laid to his charge. Grafton. As touching the iustices, they were all condemned to death by the parlement, but such meanes was made for them vnto the queene,The iustices condemned to perpetuall exile. that she obteined pardon for their liues. But they forfeited their lands and goods, and were appointed to remaine in perpetuall exile, with a certeine portion of monie to them assigned for their dailie sustentation: the names of which iustices so condemned to exile were these, Robert Belknap, Iohn Holt, Iohn Craie, Ro|ger Fulthorpe, William Burgh, and Iohn Lokton. Finallie, in this parlement was an oth required and obteined of the king, that he should stand vnto and a|bide such rule and order as the lords should take: and this oth was not required onelie of the king,The king ta|keth an oth to performe the lords orders. but also of all the inhabitants of the realme. ΒΆ In these trou|bles was the realme of England in these daies, and the king brought into that case, that he ruled not, but was ruled by his vncles, and other to them associat.