[1] [2] Moreouer, in the beginning of this parlement,The duke of Ireland & his associats at|tainted of tre|son by this parlement. were openlie called Robert Uéer duke of Ireland, Alexander Neuill archbishop of Yorke, Michaell de la Poole earle of Suffolke, sir Robert Trisilian lord cheefe iustice of England, to answer Thomas of Woodstoke duke of Glocester, Richard earle of A|rundell, Henrie earle of Derbie, and Thomas earle of Notingham, vpon certeine articles of high trea|son, which these lords did charge them with. And forso|much as none of these appeared, it was ordeined by the whole assent of the parlement, that they should be banished for euer, and their lands and goods moouea|ble and vnmooueable to be forfeit and seized into the kings hands, their lands intailed onelie excepted. Shortlie after was the lord chéefe iustice,Trisilian chéefe iustice descried by his owne man is executed at Tiburne. Robert Tri|silian found in an apothecaries house at Westmin|ster, lurking there, to vnderstand by spies dailie what was doone in the parlement: he was descried by one of his owne men, and so taken and brought to the duke of Glocester, who caused him forthwith the same daie to be had to the tower, and from thence drawne to Tiburne, and there hanged.