[1] [2] [3] Shortlie after, to wit, the morrow after the Puri|fication of our ladie, the parlement began,The parlemẽt that wrought woonders. the which was named the parlement that wrought woonders. The king would gladlie haue proroged the time of this parlement, if by anie meanes he might. R. Grafton. Thom. Walsin. The lords came to the same parlement, with a sufficient armie for their owne safeties. R. Grafton. On the first day of this parlement, were arrested as they sat in their places, all the iustices (except sir William Skipworth) as sir Roger Fulthrop, sir Robert Belknap,The iustices arrested & sent to the tower. sir Iohn Carie, sir Iohn Holt, sir William Brooke, and Iohn Alocton the kings sergeant at law, all which were sent to the tower, and there kept in seuerall places. The cause whie they were thus apprehended, was for that, where in the last parlement,Why the iusti|ces were ap|prehended. diuerse lords were made gouernours of the realme, both by the assent of the same parlement, and also by the aduise and counsell of all the iustices then being, and indentures tripartite thereof made, of the which one part remai|ned with the king, an other with the lords so chosen to gouerne the realme, and the third part with the iusti|ces: and yet notwithstanding, the said iustices at a councell holden at Notingham (as yee haue heard before) did go contrarie to that agreement. Wherevp|on it was now determined, that they should make answer to their dooings.