[1] [2] [3] [4] So when he had granted thereto, they iudged that Alexander Neuill archbishop of Yorke, Iohn Fourd|ham bishop of Durham lord tresuror, Thomas Ru|shoke a frier of the order of the preachers, bishop of Chichester, and confessor to the king, were worthie to be auoided the court. But the archbishop of Yorke, and the bishop of Chichester would abide no recko|nings, but got them out of the waie, and fled, it was not knowne whither.Certeine per|sons put out of the court. The lords did expell out of the court the lord Zou [...]h of Haringworth, the lord Bur|nell, the lord Beaumont, Albrey de Uéer, Baldwin de Bereford, Richard Aderburie, Iohn Worth, Tho|mas Clifford, and Iohn Louell knights. These were dismissed out of the court, and remooued from the king, but not discharged, for they were constreined to put in suerties to appeare at the next parlement. There were also certeine ladies expelled the court,Certeine la|dies expelled the court. as those that were thought to doo much harme about the K. to wit, the ladie Poinings, wife to Iohn Worth of Mowen, and the ladie Moulinge, with others, which also found suerties to answer at the next parle|ment, to all such things as might be obiected against them. Moreouer there were arrested and committed to seuerall prisons, sir Simon Burlie, William Elmham, Iohn Beauchampe of Holt steward of the kings house, sir Iohn Salisburie, sir Thomas Triuet, sir Iames Barneis, sir Nicholas Dag|worth, and sir Nicholas Brambre knights. Also Ri|chard Clifford, Iohn Lincolne, Richard Mitford the kings chapleins, and Nicholas Sclake deane of the kings chappell, whose word might doo much in the court. There was also apprehended Iohn Blake an apprentise of the law: all which persons were kept in streict ward till the next parlement, in which they were appointed to stand vnto their triall and an|swers.