[1] [2] When the lords therefore vnderstood that he would not keepe promise with them, they were greatlie of|fended, insomuch as they sent him flat word, that if he would not come (according to promise) they would suerlie choose another king, that would and ought to obeie the faithfull counsell of his lords. The king with this message being touched to the quicke,The K. is cõ|pelled to con|descend to the lords request. to satisfie their minds, and to auoid further perill, remooued the next morning vnto Westminster, where the lords comming before his presence, after a little other talke, they declared vnto him, that aswell in respect of his owne honour, as the commoditie & wealth of his kingdome, it was behouefull, that such traitors, and most wicked & slanderous persons, as were no|thing profitable, but hurtfull to him and his louing subiects, should be remooued out of his court; and that other that both could and would serue him more ho|norablie and faithfullie were placed in their roomes. The king, although sore against his mind, when he saw how the lords were bent, and that he wanted power to withstand their pleasures, condescended to doo what they would haue him.