[1] [2] [3] The shiriffe hauing receiued this commission, to|gither with the foresaid Thomas Molineux raised a power, and such as refused to serue, in respect of such good will as they bare to the lords, he committed to prison, commanding the gailors to kéepe them streict in irons with bread and water till his returne. More|uer, the king sent to sir Rafe Uernon, & sir Richard Ratcliffe, willing them to assist the other. And so thus they set forward with the number of fiue thousand men.The lords seeke to stop the passage of the duke of Ireland. When the lords vnderstood that the duke of Ire|land was marching towards London, with such a power of men, meaning to ioine with the Londo|ners, and so to make as it had beene an inuincible ar|mie, they bestirred themselues, and fell in hand to arme their men, and to exhort one another, that now they should not be negligent in their owne defense, but make hast for the dispatching of those that craf|tilie had gone about to conspire their deaths. And so these lords, to wit, the duke of Glocester, the earles of Derbie, Arundell, Warwike, and Notingham, as|sembled their powers out of all quarters, to incoun|ter with the duke of Ireland; and when they had got their companies togither, they forelaied all the waies by which he was thought to come.