[1] ¶ But here it may be doubted by the vncertentie of writers, whether the earle of Suffolke thus fled ouer to Calis, before the iournie at Ratcote bridge, or af|ter. But whether it chanced either after or before, it is certeine that since the time that the lords had forced the king to promise to exhibit him and others at the next parlement to abide their trials, he durst not o|penlie remaine in the court, but taking leaue of the king departed from him. Whervpon the king being out of quiet for the absence of him and other his best beloued councellors, whom he so much estéemed, and namelie of the duke of Ireland,A commission to the shiriffe of Cheshire to safe [...] the duke of Ireland to the kings presence. and the said earle of Suffolke, he appointed one Thomas Molineux con|stable of the castell of Chester, a man of high valian|cie, and great power in the parties of Cheshire and Lancashire, to raise an armie of men, with the assi|stance of the shiriffe of Cheshire, to whom his com|mission [page 461] of authoritie in that behalfe, vnder the great seale was directed, to the end that they might con|ueie the duke of Ireland in all safetie vnto the kings presence.