[1] [2] [3] [4] When he had said these words, with much more, he lift vp the duke of Glocester that all this while knée|led afore him, and commanded the residue to rise also. After this,The king ta|keth both par|ties into his protection. he led them courteouslie to his chamber, where they sate and dranke togither. And finallie it was concluded, that they should all méet togither a|gaine at the next parlement, and ech one to receiue according to iustice: and in the meane time the king tooke aswell the duke of Glocester, as the duke of Ireland into his protection, so that neither part in the meane time should hurt the other, nor presume to make any gathering of people vntill the time prefix|ed: and so this councell brake vp, and the lords depar|ted. Grafton. These things yet were doone in absence of the forenamed persons whom the lords accused, for they durst not appeare in presence of the lords; for if they had béene espied, they had smarted for it, as was thought, without any respect that would haue béene had of the kings presence. And now, for somuch as it should be well knowne through all the citie, that these lords had nothing offended him with their comming, the king caused a proclamation to be made, the te|nour whereof was as followeth.