[1] [2] The lords for answer héerevnto said,

that they as|sembled their forces togither,The answer of the lords & their gréefes. for the profit both of the king and realme, and speciallie to take awaie from him such traitors as remained continuallie about him; to wit, Robert de Ueer duke of Ireland, Alexan|der Neuill archbishop of Yorke, Michaell de la Poole erle of Suffolke, Robert Trisilian that false iustice, and sir Nicholas Brambre that disloiall knight of London; for so they tearmed them all. And to prooue their accusations true, they threw downe their gloues, protesting by their oths to prosecute it by bat|tell. Naie (saith the king) not so, but in the next parle|ment, which we doo appoint before hand to begin the morrow after the Purification of our ladie, both they and you appearing, shall receiue (according to law) all that which reason shall appoint. And now to you [page 460] my lords I speake,The king re|prooueth the lords doings. by what meane or by what reason durst you so presumptuouslie take vpon you within this my land to rise thus against me? Did you thinke to feare me with such your presumptuous boldnesse? Haue I not armed men sufficient to haue beaten you downe, compassed about like a sort of deere in a toile?
If I would: trulie in this behalfe I make no more account of you, than of the vilest skullions in my kitchen.