[1] The archbishop of Canturburie, and the lord chan|cellor bishop of Elie, and other of the bishops also there present, affirmed the earles aduise to be good. And the king considering wiselie the case as it stood, began to be appeased, and accorded to follow their ad|uise, desiring the archbishop of Canturburie, and the bishop of Elie, to aduertise them of his plesure, which was, that he willed them to come to him to West|minster, on sundaie then next following; and so they repairing to the lords, made report to them of the kings mind and purpose.The lords take an oth togither, to prosecute their purposed enterprise. But the duke of Glocester, and the other lords, were so fullie bent in their opini|on, that they swore all whole togither, that they would neuer giue ouer their enterprise, so long as they had a penie to spend, in maintenance of their cause: and if it chanced anie of them to depart this life, the o|uerliuers should persist therein, vntill the time that they had brought their purpose to some good effect.