[1] [2] The duke of Glocester considering to what con|clusion these things tended, came secretlie to confe|rence with the earles of Arundell, Warwike, and Derbie,The lords confer how to preuẽt the perils preten|ded against them. who were in like danger, if they prouided not more spéedilie for their safetie, wherevpon he dis|couered to them the perill wherein they all stood in common, so that when they weied what was the most expedient meane to safe gard their liues, they gathered their power togither, determining to talke with the king with their armour vpon their backes, for their more suertie, as well concerning his pre|tense to bring them to their deaths, as for the fauour which he bare to those whom they reputed to be trai|tors, both to him, and to the whole state of the realme, whereby the same could not auoid spéedie ruine, if re|medie were not the sooner prouided. The king on the other part tooke aduise, how he might apprehend these lords (whom he tooke to be plaine traitors) ech one a|part, before they might gather their strengths about them; and first, he sent the earle of Northumberland and others, vnto the castell of Reigate, to take the earle of Arundell, who laie there at that present. But howsoeuer it fortuned,The earle of Northumber|land sent to apprehend the earle of Arundell. the earle of Northumberland came backe, and failed to accomplish that which he had in commandement.