[1] Grafton. About the same time, Robert Trisilian lord chiefe iustice of England came to Couentrie, and indicted there two thousand persons. The king and the quéene came to Grobie, and thither came by his commande|ment the iustices of the realme. There were also with him at the same time, Alexander archb. of Yorke, Ro|bert Ueere duke of Ireland, Michaell de la Poole earle of Suffolke,Certeine questions in law deman|ded of the iustices. Robert Trisilian, & his fellowes; of whom it was demanded, if by the lawes of the realme the king might reuoke the ordinances made in the last parlement, to the which he had giuen his consent in manner by constraint; and they made an|swer that he might. Then were the iustices comman|ded to come vnto Notingham, where the king ap|pointed to meet them, and thither he came according to his appointment, and held a solemne councell in the castell of Notingham,A councell [...] at Notingham. the morrow after S. Bar|tholomews day.