[1] [2] [3] There were diuerse men of good worship that mainteined this Pateshull, and caused a transcript of this libell to be written foorth, affirming all to be true that was therein mentioned.The fauou|rers of frier Pateshull. Amongst other that thus fauoured this cause, were diuerse knights, as sir William Neuill, Sir Lewes Clifford, sir Iohn Clanbowe, sir Richard Sturrie, and sir Thomas La|timer, and the chéefest of all was one sir Iohn Mon|tacute, [page 456] who caused all the images to be taken downe and set aside in corners, which Iohn Aubreie, and his successour sir Ala [...]e Buxhull, or any their ancestors had set vp in their chappell of Cheneleie. ¶ About the same time, the duke of Ireland sought to be diuorsed from his lawfull wife, a trim yoong ladie, daughter to the ladie Isabell, that was one of king Edward the third his daughters; and tooke to wife one Lance|grone a Bohemer one of the quéenes maids; by rea|son whereof, great occasion of slander and reproch grew, and diuerse lords, speciallie the duke of Gloce|ster, that was vncle to the ladie that was forsaken, tooke great displeasure herewith. But sith the king allowed of all the duke of Irelands dooings, the duke of Glocester dissembled such iniuries doone to his neece for the time, till opportunitie might serue to re|uenge the same.