[1] When the Wicleuists perceiued this, they set vp|on him that so disquieted the congregation, and lai|eng hands on him, threw him downe, trode him vn|der their féet, and lent him manie a good buffet: and chasing all the other friers awaie, they were fullie bent to haue killed them, and set their house on fier, crieng out with lowd voices;

Let vs destroie these murtherers, let vs burne these Sodomits, and hang vp such traitors of the king and realme. And run|ning thus with such a furious noise and outrage, they purposed verelie to haue set fire on the friers lod|gi [...]s, but that through the humble praier of frier Thomas Ashborne, and one that was his fellow, be|ing reputed for two good men, and doctors of diuini|tie, they were staied.
The comming also of one of the shirifes of London holpe much to appease them, so that by his persuasion, they returned home to their houses. But Peter Pateshull, being mainteined a|mong them, was counselled, sith he was interrupted in his sermon, to set downe in writing all such mat|ters as he was about to intreat of,A libell by fri|er Pateshull against his brethren. & what he knew further. He therefore deuised a libell, in which he accu|sed diuerse of his brethren, of murthering sundrie of their fellowes.