[1] [2] There were taken fourescore ships, with diuerse capteins and men of armes, namelie their chiefe ad|merall, named Iohn Buicke, a perfect good seaman, and one that had aforetime doone much hurt to the English nation. Diuerse of their ships were bouged, and some escaped from the battell. But the earle of Arundell pursued them so egerlie for the space of two daies togither, that at length he tooke them, and brought them backe to his nauie, so that what in the battell and in the chase, there were taken of great and small, to the number of an hundred vessels, all fraught with wines, so that there was found aboord the same nine thousand tuns, Ia. Meir. Thom. Wals. or rather (as other saie) ninetéene thousand, which togither with the ves|sels were streight sent vnto Orwell hauen, and to o|ther hauens abroad in the realme, beside that which fell to the kings share, as due to him by his preroga|tiue. Part of the Flemish fléet escaping (as before ye haue heard) was pursued vnto the hauen of Sluis and Blankerke.