[1] About the same time, or rather somewhat before, the Englishmen also tooke certeine hulks and six ca|riks of the Genowais, laden with great riches: but bicause they were merchants, they found such fauor at the kings hands through means of Michaell de la Poole then lord chancellor (whome they had made their fréend) that they had their vessels and all their goods restored,Restitution of merchants goods taken. and streightwaies they passed with the same vnto Sluis, where the enimies laie, to make sale of their wares there. Wherevpon much murmu|ring rose among the kings subiects, taking it in euill part, that they should be suffered so to go their waies to releeue the enimies of the realme, with such goods as were once brought into the Englishmens posses|sion, and speciallie the lord chancellor was verie e|uill thought of, for shewing so much fauour vnto those strangers.