[1] In this meane time also, whilest the French king with such a companie of dukes, earls and other lords, as had not béene heard of, still continued in Flan|ders, staieng as well for a conuenient wind, as for the comming of the duke of Berrie; it chanced that certeine English ships, as they wasted the seas,Two of the Frẽch kings ships taken with a great price in them. met with two of the French ships, that were sailing to|wards Sluis, and fighting with them, tooke them, and brought them both to Sandwich. There was found aboord the same ships, a maister gunner, that sometime had serued the Englishmen at Calis, when sir Hugh Caluerlie was lieutenant there; also diuerse great guns and engins to beat downe wals were found and taken in the same ships,Guns were inuented little more than six yeares before this time, to wit. An. 1380. with a great quantitie of powder that was more worth than all the rest.