[1] Moreouer, at the kings instance and earnest sute it was granted, that Robert de Uéer late marquesse of Dubline, and now newlie created duke of Ire|land, should haue and receiue to his owne vse thirtie thousand marks, that the Frenchmen were to giue for the heires of the lord Charles de Blois, that re|mained here in England, which Charles in times past chalenged as his rightfull inheritance the dut|chie of Britaine, against the earle of Montfort. This grant was made to the duke of Ireland, with condi|tion, that being furnished with this monie, he should passe ouer into Ireland, before the next Easter, there to recouer such lands as the king had giuen to him. For aswell the lords as the commons were so desi|rous to haue him gone, that they wished the realme rather to spare so much treasure, than to haue his pre|sence about the king, to allure him to follie.The king of Armenia su|eth for a safe conduct to come into England which is de|nied him. The same time the king of Armenia sued for a safe conduct to come againe ouer into this land, to speake with the king as it had been about the moouing of some peace betwixt the two realms of England and France; but sith his meaning was suspected to be to no good end, but to benefit himselfe by receiuing of some great gifts at the kings bountifull hands, his sute was not granted.