[1] By these and the like persuasions the king was induced to come to the parlement, and according to his appointment he came indeed. Soone after his comming was Iohn Fortham bishop of Durham discharged of his office of lord treasuror, and in his place was appointed one Iohn Gilbert bishop of Hereford,Change of of|ficers by the parlement. that was a frier of the order of preachers, a man more eloquent than faithfull, as some repor|ted of him. Also the earle of Suffolke was dischar|ged of his office of lord chancellor, and Thomas Arundell bishop of Elie placed in his roome, by whole consent of parlement. The same earle of Suf|folke was charged with manie & verie great enor|mious crimes, frauds, falshoods, and tresons, which he had practised, to the great preiudice of the king and realme,The earle of Suffolke grée+uouslie char|ged by the parlement house for sun|drie offenses. and therevpon was committed to ward in the castell of Windsore. Notwithstanding they ad|iudged him not to death (as some write) nor disgra|ded him of the honor of knighthood, but condemmed him to paie a fine of twentie thousand marks, and also to forfeit one thousand pounds of yéerlie rents which he had purchased.