[1] The lords answered, that it should not be good for him so to doo, but a waie rather to bring him into ex|treame danger, sith it was plaine inough, that the French king was his ancient enimie and greatest aduersarie, who if he might once set foot in the realme of England, he would rather despoile and dispossesse the king of his kingdome, than put his helping hand to relieue him. He might (they said) call to re|membrance, how his noble progenitour king Ed|ward the third, his grandfather, and prince Edward his father had trauelled in heat and cold, with great anguish and troubles incessantlie, to make a con|quest of France, that rightfullie apperteined vnto them, and now to him, in which wars he might like|wise remember how manie lords, noble men, and [page 453] good commons of both realmes had lost their liues, and what charges both the realmes likewise bare in mainteining those warres: and now (the more pitie) greater burthens were laid vpon the necks of the English subiects for the supportation of his charges, by reason whereof, they were so low brought (said they) that they haue not to paie their rents, and so by such meanes was his power decaied, his lords brought behind hand, and all his people sore impoue|rished.Wealth of the people is the glorie of the prince and suertie of his reigne. And as that king cannot be poore that hath rich people, so cannot he be rich that hath poore com|mons. And as he tooke hurt by such inconueniences chancing through euill councellors that were about him, so the lords and noblemen susteined no lesse hurt each one after his estate and calling. And if remedie were not in time prouided through his helping hand, the realme must needs fall in ruine, and the default should be imputed to him and to those his euill coun|cellors.