[1] They further declared, that one old statute and laudable custome was approued, which no man could denie, that the king once in the yeare might lawfullie summon his high court of parlement,And often [...]r [...] néed require. and call the lords and commons therevnto, as to the highest court of his realme, in which court all right and equi|tie ought to shine as the sunne being at the highest, whereof poore and rich may take refreshing; where al|so reformation ought to be had of all oppressions,The causes & conditions of a parlement. wrongs, extortions, & enormities within the realme; and there the king ought to take counsell with the wise men of his realme, for the maintenance of his estate, and conseruation of the same. And if it might be knowen that any persons within the realme or without, intended the contrarie; there must also be deuised how such euill weeds may be destroied. There must also be studied and foreséene, that if any charge doo come vpon the king and realme, how it may be honorablie borne and discharged.