[1] The king being aduertised hereof, sent againe to the commons,Dissention between [...] [...] king an [...] [...] parlement house. that they should send vnto Eltham (where he laie) fortie of the wisest and best learned of the common house, the which in the name of the whole house should declare vnto him their minds. And then the house was in no small feare, by reason of a brute that was raised, how the king sought meanes to in|trap and destroie them that followed not his purpose. Herevpon aswell the lords of the vpper house as the commons of the lower assembled togither, and a|gréed with one consent, that the duke of Glocester,The duke of Glocester and the bishop of Elie sent to y^ [...] K. at Eltham frõ the whole bodie of the parlement. and Thomas Arundell bishop of Elie, should in the name of the whole parlement be sent to the king vn|to Eltham: which was doone, and the king was well contented that they should come. When they came before his presence, with humble reuerence they de|clared their message, which consisted in these points: That the lords and commons assembled at that pre|sent in parlement,Their re|quests to the king. besought him of his lawfull fa|uour, that they might liue in peace and tranquillitie vnder him.