[1] But the duke comming by some meanes to vnder|stand of this wicked practise, had no desire to take part of that supper, where such sharpe sauce was proui|ded and withall gaue warning to the residue, that they likewise should not come there, but to content themselues with their owne suppers at their lodg|ings. It was said, that sir Nicholas Brember, who had béene maior the yeare before, had promised his as|sistance in the execution of this horrible fact: but tho|rough the commendable constancie of Richard Ex|ton that was maior this yeare, being mooued by the king for his furtherance therein,Richard Ex|ton iustlie cõ|mended. and denieng flatlie to consent to the death of such innocent persons, that heinous practise was omitted. This matter being brought to light, the hatred and malice which men bare to such councellors of the king greatlie increa|sed, and the duke of Glocester and such as withstood the king, dailie grew more and more into the peo|ples fauour.