[1] The descrip|tion of the inclosure.This inclosure or wall of wood was twentie foot in height, and conteined in length or in compasse, when it was set vp, three thousand pases, and at the end of euerie twelue pases stood a turret able to receiue ten men, that was higher than the rest of the wall by ten foot at the least. There were appointed to haue passed ouer in those ships twentie thousand men of armes, Thom. Wals. twentie thousand crosbowes, and twentie thousand other men of warre. To haue séene the great apparell, furniture and prouision, the shipping, trussing, bearing, and carrieng to and fro of things needfull for this iournie, a man might haue meruel|led; for suerlie the like hath sildome beene remem|bred. Tho. Walsi. All that was doone there on that side the sea by the Frenchmen, was notified into England, so that the Frenchmen were not more occupied to prepare themselues to inuade England, than the English|men were to make themselues readie to defend their countrie from all danger of enimies;The prouisi|on of ye Eng|lishmen to resist ye great power of Frenchmen. so that euerie hauen towne, especiallie alongst the west, south, and eastcoasts, were kept and warded with notable num|bers of armed men and archers.