[1] [2] When the king of Spaine vnderstood of that trea|tie, he began to doubt, least if that marriage tooke place, it might turne to his disaduantage; and there|fore to be at quietnesse with the duke of Lancaster, whose puissance he doubted, and whose wisedome he perfectlie vnderstood, by politike meanes and earnest sute, at length concluded a peace with him on this wise;A marriage concluded be|tweéne the prince of Spaine, and the duke of Lancasters daughter. That his eldest son Henrie should haue in ma|riage the ladie Katharine daughter to the duke of Lancaster, begot on his wife the duchesse Constance, and be intituled prince of Austurgus. In considera|tion of which marriage to be had, and all claimes to ceasse, which the duke in right of his wife might cha|lenge or pretend; it was agreed, that the said duke should receiue yearelie the summe of ten thousand marks, to be paid to him, Fabian. or to his assignes in the ci|tie of Baionne in Gascoigne, during the terme of the liues of the said duke and duchesse; and further to haue in hand the summe of two hundreth thousand nobles. Ab. Fl. out of Henrie Knigh|ton canon of Leicester abbeie. ¶ Henrie Knighton in his relation of this composition betwéene these persons of great estate, dooth say, that it was told him by one of the good duke of Lancasters owne houshold, and attendant vpon him in this voiage into Spaine, that the Spanish king did send seuen and fourtie mules loden with coffers full of gold for the second paiment wherevpon they were agréed. As touching the first paiment (saith Knighton) I asked no question of the partie. So that (besides the annuitie, which mine author reporteth to be 16000 marks, during the parties liues iointlie, and 12000 marks, if it fortuned that the dukes daughter should suruiue and outliue hir husband) it should séeme there were other large allowances, which if they were (as it is likelie) after this rate, it was a right roiall munificence. And to this report of Knighton dooth Ch. Okland make a kind of allusi|on, who speking of the conditions of peace betweene the duke of Lancaster, and the king of Spaine, saith:
[page 451] The aforesaid agreement and marriage was not concluded, till about the thirteenth yeare of king Ri|chards reigne, so that in the meane while manie inci|dents chanced in England and in other regions, which in their time and places shall be touched, as to purpose serueth.Causae diffidens extemplò Hispanus,In Angl. [...] sub Rich. 2. agebatDe pace, acceptis & conditionibus, offertArgenti ac auri plaustrorum protinùs octoIustum onus, argentíque decem soluenda quotannisMillia nummorum, &c.