[1] [2] In the towne of Noic deceassed sir Mauburin de Liniers a Poictouin, and in the towne of Ruelles died the lord Talbot, and so here and there (saith Frois|sard) there died in all twelue great lords,The duke of Lancaster re|turneth out of Portingale into Gas|coigne. foure score knights, two hundred esquiers, and of the meaner sort of souldiers aboue fiue hundred. After that the armie was broken vp, the duke of Lancaster and the duchesse his wife went into Portingale, and there re|mained a season, and then taking the sea, sailed to Baionne in the marshes of Gascoigne, where he re|sted a long time after. ΒΆ In this meane while, there was communication and offers made for a marri|age to be had betwixt the duke of Berrie, vncle to the French king; and the ladie Katharine daughter to the duke of Lancaster, and of the duchesse his wife the ladie Constance.