[1] Howbeit a truce was granted, in such wise as it might be at the Englishmens choise to returne into their countrie either by sea or by land, thorough France. Such as passed through Spaine to France, had safe conducts sealed and signed by the king of Spaine; but scarse the halfe of those that came out of England with the duke, returned thither againe, they died so fast, aswell after the breaking vp of their campe, as before. Amongst other, there died before the breaking vp of the campe, Froissard. The lord Fitz Walter. one of the greatest ba|rons of all the companie, named the lord Fitz Wal|ter; and afterwards within the towne of Uille Ar|pent,I thinke that none of these three were barons but onlie the lord Poinings. there died (as Froissard saith) three great barons of England, and men of great possessions: sir Ri|chard Burlie a knight of the garter, who had béene as it were high marshall of the armie, the lord Poi|nings, and sir Henrie Percie cousine germane to the earle of Northumberland.