[1] [2] [3] In the meane time the lord Maletret gardian of the fort, sent word to the duke of Lancaster, that he would yeeld and surrender the hold into his hands vpon condition, that he and all his might freelie de|part with such armour, goods, chatels and victuals as they had reposed and laid vp in store for their necessa|rie prouision: wherevnto the good duke (as he was al|waies good) verie gentlie agréed; vpon condition al|so, that before their departure, they should ruinate the said fort, and laie it eeuen with the ground; and should likewise allow and paie him towards his costs and charges defraied in the siege of the same, twentie thousand s [...]utes of gold. Then might you sée the people flocking from all parts of the countrie, some with beires, some with cabbins, some with carts, and some with crutches to fetch awaie the dead and the wounded: in so much that there was not one, either slaine outright, or deadlie maimed, for whome his freends did not mou e and lament. Yea, the lord Maletret himselfe was so mangled and hurt, that he could not go on his legs, but as he leaned on mens shoulders, and was borne vp on either side. It was reported, that manie dead bodies were hidden in heaps of salt, to the end that the Englishmen should not glorie and triumph in the multitude of the slaine, of whome [in sight] the number amounted to aboue [page 450] 150. Thus farre goeth Henrie Knighton, whose re|port giueth no small light to the matter vnder hand. After the duke had remained a moneth at Groigne, he went to Compostella, and there soiourned for a season, during the which, his constable sir Iohn Hol|land woone diuerse townes and fortresses which the enimies kept: diuerse yeelded to the duke with better will, for that the duchesse his wife was there with him, whom they knew to be right inheritour to the realme. ¶ At Mouson a towne on the confines be|twixt Spaine and Portingale, the king of Portin|gale and the duke of Lancaster met, where they com|muned and tooke counsell togither for the more spée|die procéeding in their enterprise against their ad|uersaries of Castile. Also there was a mariage con|cluded betwixt the said king of Portingale,Philip the dude of Lan|casters daugh+ter married to the king of Portingale. and the ladie Philip daughter to the said duke, which marri|age shortlie after was wholie consummated, the said ladie being first married by procuration at Compo|stella, and after sent into Portingale right honorablie accompanied.