[1] In this ninth yeare of king Richard (though by other writers it should séeme to be rather in the yeare following) the duke of Lancaster with a great pow|er of men of warre went into Spaine, Thom. [...] Froissard. Ia. Meir. and lead with him thither his wife the ladie Constance,The duke [...] Lancaster goeth into Spaine [...] an armie. & a daugh|ter which he had by hir named Katharine, and two o|ther daughters which he had by his former wife. He [page 449] had béene about the preparing of an armie, and all furniture necessarie for this iournie two or thrée yéeres before, and therefore hauing now seauen gal|lies and eightéene ships sent to him out of Portin|gale (which arriued at Bristow) he caused all such ves|sels as he had prouided to resort likewise thither, where making his generall assemblie, when all his men of warre were come togither, he bestowed them aboord, with all their horsses and purueiances, and causing sailes to be hoissed vp, set forward on his long wished iournie. This was in the moneth of Maie, when the seas were calme, the aire swéet, and the winds pleasant and agréeable to his purpose. He appointed for admerall of his whole fléet sir Thomas Percie; and sir Iohn Holland that was after created earle of Huntington and had married one of his daughters was ordeined constable of the hoast; and sir Thomas Moreaux hauing married his bastard daughter was one of his marshals.