[1] This yeare king Richard holding his Christmasse at Eltham,The king of Armeni [...] cõ|meth into England [...] aid against the Turks. thither came to him Leo king of Arme|nia, whose countrie and realme being in danger to be conquered of the Turks, he was come into those west parts of christendome for aid and succour at the hands of the christian princes here. The king honora|blie receiued him, and after he had taken counsell touching his request, he gaue him great summes of monie and other rich gifts, with a stipend (as some write) of a thousand pounds yearely to be paid to him during his life. Thom. Wals. After he had remained here two moneths space, he tooke leaue of the king and depar|ted. The chiefest point of his errand was, to haue pro|cured a peace betwixt the two kings of England and France, but destinie would not permit so good a pur|pose to take effect: for the hatred which either nation bare to other, would not suffer their loftie minds to yeeld in any one point, further than seemed good in their owne opinions.