[1] On saint Denise daie the soldiors of Calis and o|ther English fortresses thereabouts,The Calisi|ans & others make a rode into France & win great booties. made a secret iournie into France, and got a bootie of foure thou|sand shéepe, and three hundred head of great cattell, which they droue towards their holds; and as the lord de Rambures gouernour of Bullongne would haue recouered the preie, he was vnhorssed with the ren|counter of an English speare, and being relieued by his companie, and mounted againe, withdrew him|selfe, not attempting to trie any further masteries, and so the Englishmen safelie passed foorth with their bootie of cattell, and aboue a hundred good prisoners which they had taken at this rode. In this 9 yeare a|bout the feast of S. Martine, Fabian. the king called his high court of parlement at Westminster, in the which a|mongst other things there concluded, he created two dukes,Creation of dukes and earles at the parlement. a marques, and fiue earles. First Edmund Langlie earle of Cambridge the kings vncle was created duke of Yorke, Thomas of Woodstoke his other vncle earle of Buckingham was created duke of Glocester, Robert Uéere earle of Oxford was made marques of Deuelin,Henrie of Bolling|brooke earle of Derbie afterwards king. Henrie of Bollingbrooke sonne and heire to Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lanca|ster was created earle of Derbie: Edward Plan|tagenet sonne and heire to the Duke of Yorke was made earle of Rutland, Michaell lord de la Poole chancellor of England was created earle of Suf|folke, & sir Thomas Moubraie earle of Notingham was made earle marshall.