[1] [2] When the Scots and Frenchmen were returned into Scotland, Polydor. the Scotish king hauing conceiued a iust displeasure towards the French admerall, for that by his meanes the realme of Scotland had susteined such damage in that season, caused him and his Frenchmen to be despoiled of the most part of their goods, and sent them so awaie out of his coun|trie,A noble re|uenge. that the Scots might receiue some comfort by those warres. In this yeare was the battell of Al|geberota in Portingale, where king Iohn of Portin|gale [page 448] discomfited a great host of Spaniards and Frenchmen by the helpe and policie of certeine En|glishmen which he had there with him,There were 600 English|m [...] who with their bowes did great ser|uice as by one author it ap|peareth. vnder the lea|ding of two esquiers Norberie and Hartell. There were slaine diuers earls & great lords of Spaniards, but for that our writers do not rightlie note the Spa|nish names, but write them corruptlie as strangers vse to doo, we here omit them. The king of Portin|gale (after this victorie obteined against his enimies) sent six gallies vnto the king of England to aid him against his aduersaries,The king of Portingale sendeth six gallies to K. Richards aid. the which were well re|ceiued and highlie made of by the Londoners and o|ther, so that the Portingales had no cause to repent of their comming hither.