[1] Lastlie, they came to Carleill,Carleill assal|ted by the Scots. and boldlie assal|ted the citie: but sir Lewes Clifford, and sir Thomas Musgraue, Dauie Holgraue, and diuerse other wor|thie capteins being within it, so defended the waues and gates, that their enimies got small aduantage: and finallie hearing that the English armie was re|turning homewards, the Scots and Frenchmen drew backe into Scotland, doubting to be inclosed by the Englishmen, as they had béene in deed, if the duke of Lancaster and his brethren (vncles to the king) might haue béene beleeued,Good counsell neglected. who counselled the king to pursue the enimies, and stop the passages through which they must needs passe in their com|ming backe. But the earle of Oxenford being most in fauour and credit with the king in those daies, as one that ruled all things at his pleasure, did aduise him to the contrarie, by putting him in beléefe (as was said) that his vncles went about to bring him in danger to be lost and surprised of his enimies, where|vpon he tooke the next way home, and so brake vp his iournie.