[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] About the same time the French king sent into Scotland the admerall of France, [...] Meir. Froissard. The French king aideth Scots against Englishmen. with a thousand men of armes, knights, and esquiers, besides crosse|bowes and other to ioine with the Scots, and to make warres in England. The Scots incouraged with this new aid, sent to them out of France, leuied a power, & so togither with the Frenchmen, entered into the English confines,

The Scots inuade the frontiers of England.

Anno Reg. 9.

and began to rob & spoile, and further tooke certeine castels and houses of de|fense. The king of England aduertised hereof, assem|bled an huge power of men of warre, and first sent before him the duke of Lancaster with part of the armie,The K. goeth with an armie against the Scots. and afterward followed himselfe, with all conuenient spéed that might be. At his comming in|to the parts about Yorke, he was informed that the Scots and Frenchmen were withdrawne vpon the duke of Lancasters approch towards them, but the king thought to kéepe on his iournie. Whilest he was lodged in those parts, a great mischance happe|ned,Uariance be|twéene sir Iohn Hol|lands seruãts and the lord Richard Stafford. by reason of variance that fell betwixt certeine persons of the retinue of sir Iohn Holland brother vnto the earle of Kent and halfe brother to the king, and other of the retinue of the lord Richard Stafford sonne to the earle of Stafford.