[1] A combat.During this parlement also a combat was fought within lists betwixt an English esquier named Iohn Walsh, and an esquier of Nauarre that accused the said Walsh of treason, though not iustlie, but moo|ued through displeasure, conceiued of an iniurie doone to him by the same Walsh whilest he was vn|der capteine or vicedeputie (as we may call him) of Chierburgh, in abusing the Nauarrois wife. Where|vpon when the Nauarrois was vanquished and con|fessed the truth,The appel|lant being vanquished, is adiudged to be hanged. Abraham Fle|ming out of Henrie Knigh|ton canon of Leicester abbeie. he was adiudged by the king to be drawne vnto the place of execution and hanged, not|withstanding that the queene and diuerse other made sute for him. ¶ Henrie Knighton maketh report hereof in somewhat a differing maner: but the issue of his tale falleth out to be like to the other. On a wednesdaie (saith he) at S. Andrews tide, Iohn Wal|lise of Grimsbie fought in lists with Martilet of Nauarre esquier, at Westminster, in presence of K. Richard & of Iohn the good duke of Lancaster: in so much that the said Iohn Wallise slue his aduersarie, whervpon at the kings cõmandement being made knight, he was inriched with manie gifts, as well of the kings and the dukes bestowing, as also of other great men and peeres of the realme. As for Martilet, after he was slaine, he was presentlie drawne, han|ged, and headed.