[1] [2] [3] Anno Reg. 8. The duke of Lãcaster sent into France to treat of a peace.About the beginning of August in the eight yéere of this kings reigne, the duke of Lancaster went o|uer againe into France, to treat of peace; but after he ha [...] remained there a long time, & spent no small store of treasure, he returned with a truce, to indure onelie till the first daie of Maie then next insuing. While the duke of Lancaster was foorth of the relme, Iohn de Northampton,Iohn de Nor|thampton late maior of Lon|don cõdemned to perpetuall prison and all his goods con|fiscated. that had borne such rule in the citie of London whilest he was maior, and al|so after (as partlie ye haue heard) was accused by a chaplaine (that he had in his house) of seditious slurs, which he went about, so that being arreigned thereof, he was in the end condemned to perpetuall prison, and the same not to be within the space of one hun|dred miles at the least of the citie of London. All his goods were confiscated, and so he was sent to the ca|stell of Tintagill in Cornewall, and the Kings offi|cers [...] vpon his goods & cattels. ¶ About the feast of saint Martine, a parlement was called at Lon|don, in which, monie, was demanded of the cleargie and temporaltie, towards the maintenance of the kings [...],