[1] In the Lent season, the duke of Lancaster with his brother the earle of Buckingham went towards the borders,The duke of Lancaster in|uadeth Scot|land with an armie. hauing with him a mightie power of knights, esquiers, and archers, and after he had re|mained a certeine time vpon the borders, about Ea|ster he entered Scotland, and comming within thrée miles of Edenburgh, he staied there three daies,Edenburgh left desolate. in which meane time the Scots conueied all their goods out of the towne ouer the water of Firth: so that when the armie came thither, they found nothing but bare walles, which gréeued the soldiers not a little. The Scots would not come foorth to giue anie bat|tell to the Englishmen, but got them into woods and mounteines, or else passed ouer the riuer of Firth, suffering the Englishmen to fight with the vehe|ment cold wether that then sore annoied those parts, in so much that on Easter daie at night, through snow that fell, and such extreame cold and boisterous stormes as sore afflicted the armie, being incamped within the compasse of a marish ground for their more suertie there died aboue fiue hundred horsses, to let passe the losse of men that perished at the same time, of whom we make no mention. To conclude,Great death of horsses and men in the English host, by reason of extreme cold. after the duke and his brother the earle had remai|ned a time thus in Scotland, and burned certeine townes, they returned into England.