[1] [2] At the motion and instance of the duke of Bri|taine, immediatlie vpon the returne of the English armie out of Flanders, there was a méeting of cer|teine commissioners in the marches of Calis, at a place called Lelleghen,A treatie of peace betwéen England and France. for the treatie of a peace to be concluded betwixt the two realmes of England and France. There appeared for king Richard, the duke of Lancaster, and his brother the erle of Buckingham, sir Iohn Holland brother to the king, sir Thomas Percie, and a bishop. For the French king, thither came the dukes of Berrie and Burgogni [...], the bishop of Laon, and the chancellor of France. There were also the duke of Britaine, and the earle of Flanders. Also there came a bishop with other commissioners from the king of Spaine: for the Frenchmen would doo nothing, except the king of Spaine might be also comprised in the treatie and conclusion. They were thrée wéekes in commoning of an agreement:A truce taken betwéene England and France. but when nothing else could be brought to passe, they con|cluded a truce to indure till the feast of S. Michaell, which should be in the yeare 1384.