[1] About the feast of All saints was a parlement holden at London,A parlement at London. in which was granted to the king one moitie of a fifteenth by the laitie, and shortlie af|ter a moitie of a tenth by the cleargie. Moreouer, the king tooke into his hands the temporalties that be|longed to the bishop of Norwich,The tempo|ralties of the bishopr [...]ke of Norwich sei|zed into the kings hands for the bishops disobedience. bicause he obeied not the kings commandement when he was sent for at the time when he tooke the seas to passe into Flan|ders. The knights also that had not shewed such obe|dience to the bishop as was requisit in that iornie, were committed to prison; but shortlie after they were set at libertie vpon suerties that vndertooke for them. ¶ It was also decréed in this parlement, that the erle of Buckingham the kings vncle should go to the borders against Scotland, with a thousand lances, and two thousand archers, to represse the pre|sumptuous attempts of the Scots, who aduertised thereof, sent ambassadors to treat of peace; but they were dispatched home againe, without obteining that which they came to sue for.