[1] The Scots in the meane while sate not still, but made roades into England,Warke castell burnt by the Scots. tooke and burnt the ca|stell of Warke. Moreouer, whilest the siege laie be|fore Ypres, the Frenchmen armed certeine vessels, and sent them to the sea, namelie fiue balengers, as well to intercept such as should passe betwéene Eng|land [page 445] and Flanders, as also to stop such as were ap|pointed to go ouer into Gascoine, that were soldiers also of the croisie, appointed thither vnder the lea|ding of the lord Britrigale de la Bret, and certeine others. When they of Portesmouth vnderstood that these fiue ships were abroad, they made foorth to the sea, and meeting with their aduersaries, fought with them a sore & cruell battell, and in the end slue all the enimies, nine excepted, and tooke all their vessels. An other fleet of Englishmen tooke eight French ships,Diuerse French ships taken by the Englishmen. which had aboord 1500 tuns of good wines, that com|forted the Englishmen greatlie.