[1] In the same summer, the king with the queene went abroad in progresse,The king & quéene in progresse. visiting in their waie the rich abbeis of the realme, as Burie, Thetford, Nor|wich, & other; going about a great part of the realme. And when these newes came to him from the bishop of Norwich, he was at Dauentrie in Northampton|shire, and being the same time at supper, he put the ta|ble from him, and rising with all hast, got him to hors|backe, and rode in post that night, changing horsse diuerse times, with such spéed that he came to S. Al|bons about midnight, and making no staie there lon|ger than he had borowed the abbats gelding, hasted foorth till he came to Westminster: so that it appea|red he would neuer haue rested till he had passed the sea, and giuen battell to the Frenchmen. But after his comming to Westminster, wearied with that ha|stie iournie, he got him to bed, and liked so well of ease,A great hea [...] soone cooled. that he thought good to send a lieutenant in his stead to passe the seas, to deliuer the bishop from dan|ger of his enimies.