[1] The French king following the tract of good for|tune,The French king with his huge armie driueth the Englishmen out of Flan|ders. that guided his sterne, marched foorth to Bruck|burge, so that the vaward of his armie came before that towne on Holie rood daie in September, vn|der the leading of the earle of Flanders, the duke of Britaine, the lord Oliuer de Clisson high constable of France, and the lord Ualeran earle of S. Paule, the which demeaned themselues in such sort,Bruckburge yeƩlded to the French. that al|though the Englishmen within valiantlie defended the Frenchmens assault; yet the third daie after the Frenchmens comming thither, the Englishmen by composition that they might depart with bag and bagage, yeelded vp the towne, which on the ninetenth of September being saturdaie, as that yeare came about, was abandoned to the French souldiers, to rifle and spoile at their pleasure, in the which feat the Britons bare the bell awaie, dooing more mischeefe vnto the poore inhabitants, than with toong can be recited.The duke of Britaine a f [...]iend to the Englishmen. The duke of Britaine holpe greatlie to make the composition, that the Englishmen might depart in safetie: for the which dooing he was in great hatred and obloquie of the souldiers, who affirmed that he was not onelie a friend to the Englishmen, but an enimie to his countrie, and a traitour to the common-wealth.