[1] The duke, whome the matter touched so néere, did so much with his nephue the French king, that eftsoones he raised his whole puissance, and came downe into Flanders, so that the Englishmen perceiuing them|selues not of power to incounter with this huge and mightie armie, were constreined after a great as|sault, [page 444] which they gaue the eight of August, to raise their siege from Ypres the mondaie after,The siege at Ypres broken vp. being S. Laurence daie, and to withdraw into Bruckburge, Berghen, Dixmew, Newport, Cassell, Dunkirke, Grauelin, and other places which they had woon. But at Newport the townesmen set vp the earles ban|ner, and assailing those that were come into the towne,Newport sac|ked and burnt by the Eng|lishmen and Gauntiners. slue diuerse of them. The Englishmen being sore offended therewith, came running thither with certeine Gauntiners, and made great slaughter of them that had so murthered their fellowes. The towne was sacked, and all the goods aswell church iewels as other were sent awaie, partlie by sea into England, and partlie by waggons vnto Berge. Af|ter this, they set fire in more than thirtie places of the towne, so that there remained nothing vnburnt. The Englishmen & Gauntiners that were withdrawne into Berge, got togither all the waggons in the countrie about, placing the same vpon the diches and rampiers, to fortifie the same against their enimies.